Center for Human and Citizen’s Rights
Cập nhật lúc 10:17, 24/01/2023 (GMT+7)

1. Introduction

The Center for Human and Citizen’s Rights (CRIGHTS) is a legal entity under the School of Law - VNU, established in accordance with Decision no. 119A/QD-KL dated March 17th, 2010 of the Dean.

2. Functions and missions

- Gather information, build library and database of human and citizen’s rights. Provide information, consultancy, and conduct wide dissemination of relevant legal instruments and materials to promote the understanding of students and the community about human rights and civil rights.

- Conduct research on human rights and civil rights and capacity building activities for scholars and jurists in the field of human rights law.

- Develop academic programs and teach subjects on human rights at universities (undergraduate and graduate levels).

- Act as the focal point for research and education activities on human rights with individuals, organizations, education institutions, domestic and international universities.

3. Organizational structure

- Director: A.Prof.Dr. Vu Cong Giao

- Key research staff: A.Prof.Dr. Vu Cong Giao, Dr. La Khanh Tung, A.Prof.Dr. Ngo Huy Cuong, Dr. Phan Thi Thanh Thuy, Dr. Mai Van Thang, Dr. Ngo Minh Huong…

4. Notable works and projects

* Books, textbooks:

(1) Textbook on Theory and Law on Human Rights, VNU Publishing House, 2015.

(2) Q&A on Human Rights (reference book), VNU Publishing House, 2012.

(3) Human Rights in Criminal Justice (monograph), Hong Duc Publishing House, 2015.

(4) Vietnamese Thought on Human Rights (monograph), National Political Publishing House, 2016.

(5) Protection of Personal Freedom and Security in the Vietnamese Penal Law (monograph), Judicial Publishing House, 2015.

* Notable scientific research projects:

(1) The Relation Between International Human Rights Law and Domestic Law.

(2) Human Rights in the Vietnamese Labor Law.

(3) Punishment in Penal Law under the Perspective of Human Rights Protection.

* Scientific and technological products in the 2016-2020 period:

Report on the Implementation of the Provisions on Human Rights and Citizen’s Rights in the 2013 Constitution; Mechanisms to Protect, Ensure and Promote Human Rights in the ASEAN Region; Scientific publications and policy consultancy on human rights.

5. Contact information

Room 207, E1 Building, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi

Tel: 0243.7549928

Fax: 0243.7549927




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